Tag Archives: release

Animoog 2.4.5 & Animoog for iPhone 1.3.1 Released with Audiobus 3 Support

Good news, the first Animoog update since last October. Happy to see Moog is keeping our beloved app up to date :-)

What’s new according to the release notes:

  • Integrated Audiobus 3 with full support for MIDI routing
  • Improvements to pressure modulation behavior when playing over MIDI
  • Updated AudioCopy SDK to v3.4
  • Improvements to mod and pitch wheel rendering
  • Fixed media import for clips in the 4-track on iOS 10
  • Improved background audio compatibility with other apps

Animoog for iPhone gains one more feature:

  • Animoog for iPhone keyboard now sends polypressure when the MIDI Expansion Pack is purchased

The update has certainly been triggered by today’s release of Audiobus 3, which Animoog’s new version supports.  Audiobus has been an essential app for mobile musicians needing to send audio signal from one app to the other. Audiobus 3 now supports inter-app MIDI routing as well.  Here’s the video that presents Audiobus 3 capabilities, and yes, this overview showcases Animoog!

Thanks Moog for the Animoog updates and let’s hope there’s more for Animoog to come from Moog developers! Enjoy the new version — Alex / Satri

Animoog version 2.2.8 and Animoog for iPhone 1.1.10 Released

These Animoog news cover versions 2.2.6 and 2.2.8 and Animoog for iPhone 1.1.10, both supporting the new Audiobus Remote app.

Animoog version 2.2.8 has been released yesterday and here’s the official release notes:

  • Added support for AudioBus Remote with triggers for Recorder, Preset Navigation, Scale Lock, Hold and Orbit Time Change
  • Added support for mixing down to AudioCopy and AudioShare in the 4-track recorder
  • Stability improvements

As an happy Animoog beta tester, I can confirm there’s useful fixes in the ‘stability improvements’ category. The big addition here is Audiobus Remote support. Audiobus itself is a popular app to route audio from one app to other apps, making it easy to add filters and effects, adding tracks from other apps, and more, all this in real-time. As an example, you can run drums from the Sector app and play Animoog live while recording both in a third app. With version 2.2.8 released yesterday, Animoog can now be controlled on another iOS device with Audiobus Remote. Moog developer Geert Bevin shared the following screenshot of Animoog and Filtatron in Audiobus Remote.


Animoog version 2.2.6 was released on June 29th, 2015, while I was on holidays and away from computers (but with my dear Animoog alongside), and its official release notes are:

  • Stability improvements for a very rare crash at launch
  • Stability improvements in situations where the audio engine is reset by iOS itself
  • Improvements to restore purchase functionality

That’s correct, Animoog version 2.2.7 never made it to the public.

Updates to Animoog for iPhone were also released, with version 1.1.7 released on June 15, then v1.1.8 on June 17, followed by v1.1.9 on June 27. And now, lucky us, we’re at version 1.1.10 released on July 30.

Moog developers taking care of Animoog since last Spring continue to be closer than ever to its users and the iOS musicians community, and that’s great news for the future of Animoog!

Animoog 2.2.5 Released, Animoog in Tidbits and Other news

Dear Animoog lovers, some excellent news today!

Animoog 2.2.5 Released

With the new development team in place, less than three week after the major bug fix update, version 2.2.4, a few hours ago version 2.2.5 has been released on the App Store. Here are the official changes:

  • Mapped controls now respond to MIDI when Animoog is in the background
  • Fixed MIDI input and output port selection sometimes tacitly picking another one
  • External pitch bend now behaves linearly across the pitch bend range
  • Pitch bend strip is more usable by reducing the sensitivity in the middle
  • Stability improvements of the 4-track recorder
  • The recording length of the basic recorder has been doubled
  • Invalid timbre files are marked and don’t cause crashes anymore
  • New installations now by default map CC64 to the Hold switch
  • Version number is now shown at the bottom of configuration screen
  • Improvement of in-app store layout
  • Overall stability improvements

There’s also a little nice surprise the official changelog won’t tell you, look in the in-app store, scroll down and you’ll find that the ‘BASE Pack’, an expansion pack containing 25 presets and 40 timbres, is now not only available for in-app purchase, but it’s also free to everybody! Thanks Moog!

Animoog featured in Tidbits

Animoog.org readers have seen my first videos made with the iTunes visualizer for my album of Animoog solos. I ended up writing an article for the popular Tidbits magazine on the use of the iTunes visualizer to create live visual performances. This article successfully exposes Animoog to the tens of thousands Tidbits readers. More people discovering our beloved musical instrument Animoog can’t do harm! From the article:

« To demonstrate some of what you can do, I’ve created a few sample videos based on music I improvised with the award-winning Animoog app for iPad ($29.99). Music made on mobile devices is quickly growing in popularity with tons of innovative musical instruments disguised as apps being available for iOS »

Here’s the third video I recorded live in the context of this article. It’s for the ‘don’t June’ track. It’s voluntarily less diverse than the previous two videos since I used it to showcase a specific technique with the iTunes visualizer.

Animoog for iPhone 1.1.7 Released

The smaller but very capable version of Animoog also got an update, Animoog for iPhone version 1.1.7 has been released. This is the first update since November 2014 and brings major bug fixes and new features, here’s the official changelog.

  • Stable support for iOS 8
  • Stable support for 64-bit devices
  • Revised timbres panel with categories (touch-hold timbre in category for preview)
  • Added ‘hold’ switch to keyboard for iPhone 5 and later
  • New installations now by default map CC64 to the Hold switch for iPhone 5 and later
  • Audiobus input slot compatibility fixes
  • Pitch bend range can now be selected in MIDI settings
  • Pitch bend strip is more usable by reducing the sensitivity in the middle
  • External pitch bend now behaves linearly across the pitch bend range
  • Pitch and mod strips now light up with incoming MIDI
  • MIDI CC mapping can be edited through the dialog after double-tapping a control
  • Mapped controls now respond to MIDI when Animoog is in the background
  • Virtual Animoog MIDI ports are now always available even if no port is explicitly selected
  • Fixed MIDI input and output port selection sometimes tacitly picking another one
  • Preset menu doesn’t cover minimized keyboard anymore
  • Improved IAA instrument compatibility (IAA transport panel will be done for a future release)
  • Use with any buffer size from 128 to 4096 (256 being the intended size for all supported devices)
  • Fixes for restore purchase functionality
  • Improved in-app store layout and interaction
  • iTunes File Sharing access to timbres, presets and projects
  • Removed import/export preset from setup panel since iTunes File Sharing should cover all needs
  • Added timbre category list under ‘random preset’ to enable/disable categories to randomize timbres from
  • Page selector can now be latched by tapping without dragging the menu
  • All drop-down menus now support latched operation
  • Invalid timbre files are marked and don’t cause crashes anymore
  • Keyboard scale selection now doesn’t misbehave after selecting the whole tone scale
  • Resuming after interruptions from Siri now reactivates audio
  • Proper handling of large amounts of MIDI expression data, coming from alternative controllers
  • Page selection widget now appears below the active page title for easier visibility
  • Added store entry to the page menu
  • Proper launch screen across all iPad and iPhone devices
  • Version number is now shown at the bottom of configuration screen
  • Overall stability improvements

Moog Music is now employee-owned

I can’t tell how this will affect Animoog’s future, but this is a major change for the creators and developers of Animoog. Earlier this month, Moog Music became an employee-owned company.

Animoog 2.2.4 Released – Major bugfix update

We told you it was coming and now the wait is over! And don’t let you mislead by the it’s name, version 2.2.4 is a major Animoog update considering it brings lots of significant fixes, including stable support for iOS 8. Version 2.2.3 came out in October 2014, over 6 months ago. And now that Moog is putting more love to Animoog development, I expect we’ll have good news from Moog more frequently.

So here’s the official changelog:

  • Stable support for iOS 8
  • Stable support for 64-bit devices
  • Revised timbres panel with categories (touch-hold timbre in category for preview)
  • Fixes for timbres showing up with domain name prefixes
  • Audiobus input slot compatibility fixes
  • Virtual Animoog MIDI ports are now always available even if no port is explicitly selected
  • Improved IAA instrument compatibility (IAA transport panel will be done for a future release)
  • Use with any buffer size from 128 to 4096 (256 being the intended size for all supported devices)
  • Fixes for restore purchase functionality
  • Improved in-app store layout and interaction
  • iTunes File Sharing access to timbres, presets and projects
  • Removed import/export preset from setup panel since iTunes File Sharing should cover all needs
  • Added timbre category list under ‘random preset’ to enable/disable categories to randomize timbres from
  • 4-track recorder fixes for loading clips, pasting clips and AudioPaste
  • 4-track project fixes for save/load/delete/share
  • 4-track now remains unlocked when not connected to network
  • Pitch bend range is now always saved with presets and correctly loads from presets when this option is active
  • Pitch and mod strips now light up with incoming MIDI
  • Hold button now more clearly shows when it’s active
  • Manual MIDI CC input now ensures only numbers can be entered
  • Keyboard scale selection now doesn’t misbehave after selecting the whole tone scale
  • Preset panel is laid out more consistently
  • Resuming after interruptions from Siri now reactivates audio
  • Proper handling of large amounts of MIDI expression data, coming from alternative controllers
  • Updated built-in manual

Enjoy! And if you find bugs, Moog, more than ever before, provide feedbacks to its users in order to fix those, so let them know about the remaining bugs! — Alex / Satri